welcome to the blog! this is a place for my musings and memories.


autumnal- nothing to do with leaves

Date: 08/02/2023

Mood: chilling

first blog post!

gwaaaa hi everyone! this is my first little blog post. currently i'm going to be at home for a while since my partner has got covid AND the flu. a perfect time for html while i look after them!

i'vw been feeling okay and had a really good day yesterday. i scooped algae from a lake from 9am to 3pm for work. this site was a large development that hired us for restoration on site and they keep us on retainer to do their lake management. they've been having issues with algae since they're fertilizing heavily and the surrounding wetlands are also flushing right now. i met a new friend at work and we got to talk about some different shows and bisaya since they had a filipino girlfriend and still remembered a little bit. anyways, back to the algae. we scooped instead of spraying to remove the nutrients and to keep the lake safe for swimming and fishing, especially since copper algicide also acts as an insecticide too which sits in the sediments.

yesterday was a lot of hard physical labor but pretty laid back for me. my partner started getting feverish at the end of the day and eventually i took them to urgent care since their fever was high so i was up pretty late too. today i'm going to be cleaning and relaxing while i look after them. i know i'm probably going to get sick which is gonna hurt my paycheck quite a bit.
